Thursday, November 7, 2013

Voice of leadership From within You


What is Leadership means? The act leading a groups people in companies,organizations, or community. Nowadays everyone has a purpose how they make life, everyone has freedom to be a leader. You don't really need to be high educated to lead a groups of people. Because a true leadership is always comes from the heart.

A good leadership mostly came from experiences that life brought us. Those experience molds us to be a good leader, to teach people our own experience. No matter how bad, sad or happy are those experiences we've been through, but those are made for a purpose. A purpose is to help people realize what they never been realize all their lives until you meet them.

You maybe don't have confidence now to share your life to the world, it could be the way you write, you talk, your looks or maybe you just simply don't know a place where to start. I am telling you, you have purpose like me, our unique looks, or the way we talk and act, have something to contribute others lives. We are not here in this world for ourselves alone. God made  us to unite, to work together, to helps each others in our simple way.

Even your pet, there is a purpose why you love that kind of pet. It could be those pet are lack of love that you have the ability to pour what these pet needs. Those pet you have are there because you need accompany that only those pet can give. Everyone has purpose, you are valuable person no matter how small you are, as you may think about you, you can change something for the better. Do not underestimate your own capability because you don't  really know what is God's Plan for you.

Find ways how to gain confidence for yourself, if there is something that you like to say, then say it out loud don't be scared to be yourself. It is only you can help yourself to be free. Work on where you think you're weakness and find solutions. And also improve those part of you that you think you can be capable of doing, don't be scare to asked, don't be scare to explore. There are huge of communities all over the world that can help you and some training that can help you develop yourself.

There must be voice calling you for leadership but you always doubt if you can or cannot. What if it was YOU alone and  one who they wait to help others. What if  it was you that community really needs?You don't really know until you find out the true meaning of leadership for you, and how you can make it. Explore with your own creativity and share because you and me could be DESTINY to change peoples lives. Again DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOUR CAPABILITIES.

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