Friday, November 15, 2013

No Excuses Just do it

If you've been following my post then you already read my other blog about Working out with your fears. Actual its something that can inspires you to keep moving no matter how embarrassing are your experiences in life. That actually help you grow and understand what life is.. just keep looking on the positive side of life, do not let pity have place in your heart and mind. Because if you give place for pity you are inviting a negative energy, or devil into your life.

Understand that God never wants us to be sad, He wants us to be happy in a good way, "HE LOVE US" but never spoil us. Because if God spoil us, we won't do anything for our lives anymore, and we would never grow as well. He gives us what we need in the best way that he can, but we have to earn it.

As parents we want our kids to learn and stand their own feet as they grow, right? We sent them in the best school as we can, for them to learn more better, finish their study and get the best possible job in their chosen field. We want them to grow independent and strong. That's all normal for every parents to always think what's the best way we can for our kids and their future.

And our God the Father, knows what best for us more than we know whats best for our own kids. Father God Love for humanity is unconditional, so he want us to always learn, through trials. The sad thing, not only God was their watching but also devil. A devil is busy planning how he can spoil you to mislead you. He wants you to be spoil, because devil has power as well, he can pretend to be God.

He can mislead you, especially when you always asked for a sign, he can give you a sign to mislead you. Because when you see a sign that would make you think that God really want you to be there or you're thinking it was God given you really. But not all sign is from God. You don't need to asked a sign to do something or for you to believe that there is God. The life of his son Jesus Christ is enough proved that he love us unconditionally, and no one can love us more than God Love Us.

Don't give excuses to yourself for not doing the right thing. If you want something work hard for it, don't make excuses for yourself that you cannot, instead of cannot replace it with " I CAN" always remember that a little changes you are making right now could give you a huge result tomorrow. No excuses start working out with all your fears or whatever you want in life and God will be there for you.

World is wonderful for you to be stuck in the same place at the same time because you are given excuses not to do something. You're educational background is not excuses for you to stop dreaming to be successful one day. Your being fat right now is not excuses for you not too look good, if you don't like to be fat then exercise, watch out your diet always discipline yourself when you eat.

After all you still need to eat tomorrow, you don't need to eat as much you can for a day, there is tomorrow. You still need food for the new day. If you want to dress up well but you think you can't afford, those are not excuse as well because if your wise buyer and knows how to find cheaper stuff that fits in you and look good in your personality, there lots cheap stuff out there.

Look its not really the price that makes anyone else look sexy and elegant with what they wear (although it was pretty nice to get expensive stuff as a reward for ourselves but if you can't afford go for some option) what make anyone sexy is how they carry themselves with their personality. A lot of different cheaper products that you can afford nowadays you just have to learn how to choose whats best for you. No excuses just do it, or else don't expect changes nor blame anyone around you.

Because it was you who made your own decision not anyone else. You choose what you want in your life. If you choose to be successful then work your ass off to get on top of your dreams. Don't expect to win lotto when you're not buying a ticket. People pray but never work, then blame God why God don't give what they ask. Come on, start making a little change in your life. Don't give too many excuses. Start now! Act for a change.

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