Wednesday, November 6, 2013

True Love

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Loving Someone is not about age, religion, looks, skin colors, nationality or what you are expecting you'll get in return. But it is about how you truly sacrifice for that person. There are no boundaries in loving a person, feelings are deep and you do not have exact explanation for everything, you just felt it. Those love cannot be expect what, where and when you have it.

Because there is one powerful among us that only knows the right time for us. The one who gave us life and gave us special gift, " LOVE". The true meaning of LOVE is what already Jesus done for us. He show what LOVE means by SACRIFICE. The Fatherly Love for us reveals when He sent Jesus to save us. And Jesus show us by following what Father asked him to do.

If you're really looking for true love, you don't need to find it anywhere, because God will find ways for the two of you. he always find ways for everyone, in different ways. Just put him in the center of your life and let him be your guide and trust him, because he knows what best for you. Trials are all preparations for what's beyond. Be glad to face trials for God have something special for you. He really knows what you desire..He LOVE YOU.

True love comes to those who wait' I'm sure you heard it too. Yes! true because true love develop by discovering something new to a person, it could be our friends, maybe someone we know that we didn't really like, but some incident give a spark, to make us like that person. We really cannot predict it, when, where, or how? We can only do is wait and trust God.

He only knows whats best for us and who is really for us. Sometimes even the one we are expecting to be with for rest of our lives, like husband and wife, we lose them for a reason that only God knows. If you're still searching for someone in your life right now, trust, and believe God He gives you all you need.

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