Friday, April 4, 2014

LIKAS Papaya Herbal Soap

I have been using this herbal soap in years. I have really dark skin that make me insecure and I try this herbal soap once, it works for me so I keep using it. I didn't get white as I expected but it lighten my skin a little. It exfoliate my skin, for some people burn there skin specially those have sensitive skin. Its normal reaction, if your skin burn use it once a day and always use a lotions after taking a bath, or else it dry your skin.

For people who have darker skin you  may like to leave it few minutes before you rinse of water. Avoid scrubbing your skin too much while using this product. That may causes you skin burn. Using this product cannot guarantee you result as you expected. As we have different skin type, all you can do is try until you find what best for you:

       More about this products read below I found it other blog site 

                    For skin Renewal

Likas Papaya Herbal has natural chemical properties that gently exfoliate the skin during the soap lathering stage. This natural method of exfoliation requires no scrubbing and still provides the same improvements of the skin's overall look and feel. In addition to breaking down skin cells and gently sloughing them from the skin's outer layer, this organic soap also softens the skin and helps to accelerate cell regeneration.

                       Whitening Properties
While Likas Papaya Herbal Soap claims to have skin whitening properties, it does not bleach the skin or have any artificial bleaching ingredients. Instead, by cleansing skin with this soap, product users may see certain skin areas become lighter over time. When skin is exfoliated, newer, lighter skin is always exposed. Since the soap is a natural exfoliant, it can help even skin tones, and will slowly lighten darker skin pigmentation that may have resulted from scarring or age spots.
                                      As An Acne Treatment
For those who suffer from facial or body acne,Likas Papaya Herbal Soap is said to help eliminate acne. As the soap exfoliates the skin, it is not only removing dead skin cells, but is also helping to reduce skin inflammation, which is caused by acne. The soap can be used up to two times per day. Simply lather the soap, apply it to the face and body, and allow it to work on the skin for up to five minutes before rinsing the lather away.
                         Cons of Soap Use
There are very few reported cons of using Likas Papaya Herbal Soap. Some users have experienced dryness or tightening of the skin after using the soap a few times. However, this is a common effect for any product used for combating acne. To keep skin from getting too dry, be sure to drink plenty of water and use a good moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated. Not everyone will be able to use this soap If you have any type of negative reaction after use, immediately stop using the product. Rinse the product from your skin thoroughly, pat skin dry, and apply a moisturizing lotion. If you are interested to this products visit online store you make like to try it.

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