Monday, March 31, 2014

Summer healthy Food- Singkamas- Mexican Turnip

I am into learning specially healthy foods for this summer. I usually do not care much about the food I eat. The important thing for me is I am full and I eat 3-4 times a day. I came from ordinary family from province. Oh well normally people from there eat fresh fruits and vegetables but they don't really know and they don't care much about the health benefits. They eat what is in there nothing more nothing less. They focus on 3-4 times food everyday.

Now at the age of 31 I am pretty much conscious about my health. I'd like to stay fit and young as my age adding up every year. I always remember what Ricky Reyes (BEAUTY EXPERT) statement in hes interviewed long ago. He said ( sa panahon natin ngayon na madarami nang pagpipilian kasalanan mo na kung pangit ka). I hundred percent agree for that statement. We have many different choices from cheap to expensive products. It is really our choice, either we want to stay what we are or change a little for the better us.

Talking lots of people interacting with what they are in, cultures and belief for their own. I found out that we people of today rely so much on food supplement for our health. Most people in ordinary family don't care about. Why because they are focus on how they can manage their money for a week food and no extra for food supplement. Reading and researching about different things. I discover the cheapest Vegetables in Philippines during summer content lots of good benefits.

Singkamas and also know as Maxican turnip is what I am talking about. I never know that these summer Vegetable fruits content lots of vitamins, plus its really cheap. You can eat it raw or you can cook it. Whatever you prepare for it its fine and both yummy.

imagesPachyrhizus erosus / Mexican Turnip / Jimaca or commonly known in the Philippines assingkamas is  a sweet and crispy root crop with yellow and papery exterior and creamy white color inside, While we love eating it during summer especially with bagoong,  have you ever wondered what can it do to your body? Here are the health benefits from Singkamas:
  • High in vitamins C, A and B complex, along with calcium, phosphorus, folic acid magnesium, niacin, Iron, potassium, and sodium
  • Has a thirst-quenching capacity
  • Provides low calories
  • A dietary fiber that satisfies hunger without feeling heavy
  • Helps reduce the risk of obesity, hypertension, and diabetes
  • Has water, thus provides a cooling effect
  • Good alternative or supplement to people undergoing water therapy
  • Helps replace the soiled water in our bodies for cleansing which help organs like pancreas, kidney, stomach and skin to function well
  • Excellent source of anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins
  • Helps in boosting our body’s natural immune system
Now if you didn't try it yet, it's time for you to try it. Personally my boy friend try it and yes love it. You can also do it for yourself. There is many cheap products that we can afford that help us to be healthy even without food supplement. Healthy conscious people you may add this in your menu. Good luck and happy learning. Thank You for visiting my blogspot. See you again next time.

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