Thursday, May 1, 2014

Be Inspired

I wrote this last year in one website that I used to blog, but then I'd like share it here in my personal blog. This really touch my deepest heart. Video is really touching story, I hope some of you learn from his story.

As I am doing a research today this one video caught my attention and yes I admit my tears fall watching the video. During our hardship in life we always think that we are in a deep hole of life.

Like no one was ever been, we complain so much about life and what we have, but the truth is we are already blessed by simply having a complete body structure. With this video you and I and everybody else whose watching this you are so really blessed.

You always have a reason to smile when you wake up in the morning and be thankful to God for a new day he has given you. Stop worrying about what is going now, stop being lazy, stop giving a reason why you can't do this and that because if this guy the video did without almost everything compare to what you have, how about you, you are complete? 

Use all God has given you. Find something to help others rather than focusing on yourself. You can even pray for others instead of your own needs. You maybe feel like you are alone but no, you are simply entertaining your own pain.

Look at others instead of yourself when your down. Look how happy they are in life despite of all hardship. I honestly feel so blessed, I maybe don't have much in life compare to many but I am blessed, that God provide all my needs.

 People who care for me, a job, safe place and so much more. We don't need much in life to be happy. We should always realize that, everything in this world just passes by, the best thing we can do is to survive life while helping others.

There are more things we can do with our individual talent, I always believe that everyone is gifted you just have to find your best part and start improving your advantage don't focus too much in something just because your seeing somebody doing it.

Focus on things that you have but in order to know what your talent is you have to clear mindset, and ask yourself what you want to do in life, whats your goal, what makes you really happy. If you need to explore, experiment or ask somebody do it.

Don't give excuses, excuses are nonsense. They are good alibi for people don't want to accept changes. But for people who wanted some changes and keep moving  forward excuses is out of their lives.

Myself I have been in so much hardship and I needed to experience lots of embarrassing moments before I found out what I want in life. Now I am happy with what am doing. Exploring everyday online and offline world.

The thing is I know what I want and what I like. I have focus on things that I want to have someday in my golden years if God would let me. I meet some mentors and are very amazing people with huge community. If you feel like knowing yourself more and have clarity in your dreams. Just always be with people who have positive out look in life. See things into positive way no matter how bad it is for you. Thanks for visiting reading and will see you on my next post guys.

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